It can’t have escaped your attention that Japan is experiencing a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions. The massive earthquake and resulting tsunami that struck the region on 11th March 2011 have caused widespread destruction, relayed on television screens around the world.
More than 4,300 people have died in the disaster, thousands are injured or missing, and over 440,000 people have had to leave their homes. Like many people, here at JJS and our parent company, The Paragon Electronics Group, our thoughts are with everyone affected. Of course, although they pale almost into insignificance when looking at the big picture, there are business implications raised by the disaster which we would like to bring you up to speed on.
Before we leave the human angle and move onto the supply chain implications, we’d like to point you in the direction of the Red Cross in Japan. If you’d like to help on a personal level, you can donate here.
Following these devastating events, there is a great deal of concern regarding the possible impact on electronic component availability and supply. Since first hearing about the earthquake, both ourselves and representatives of other Paragon Group companies, have been in regular contact with all our relevant suppliers and have been receiving daily updates. Going forward, we intend to remain in close communication with these suppliers and will keep you updated in a series of bulletins.
Read our first official bulletin here.
This bulletin includes our advice on preventative action, an outline of the current situation and links to the websites of our affected component manufacturers. Of course, if you would like further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.