
Dispelling the 'one size fits all' myth in electronics manufacturing

JJS Manufacturing InsightsRegardless of how well made that pair of leather shoes in the window is, if they're not available in your size, you can't buy them - even if they are the cheapest on the market and offer great quality.

So what do you do? Go for a smaller size and hope that after a while they start to feel more comfortable? No, you move on and find another pair. Because deep down you know they would rub, cause blisters and ultimately hold up your day with irritating aches and pains.

Trying to partner with an Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) company that's not quite the right 'fit', is similar to investing in a pair of expensive shoes that are too small. Painful.

Taking the time to understand your business priorities and aligning them with the services and capabilities of your shortlisted EMS providers is fundamental in ensuring the successful manufacture of your products. The article below by tecnova, aims to provide you with some helpful starting points on what to consider when determining whether you are the right 'fit' for your potential suppliers.

And it's fair to note that 'fit' needs to work both ways. Although you may feel that a particular EMS provider is perfect for you and your company, for a number of reasons your product or company may not be right for them. For example, your product may not be complex enough for them to add real value or the volumes you intend to order each month are too high/low for their operation. Geographically there could be issues or you may require certain accreditations that are not on the EMS providers quality roadmap.

As a potential customer, you may feel disheartened by being told by an EMS provider that they are not able to quote for your business. But surely it's better for them to be honest and open from the outset, rather than saying yes and then letting you down some point in the future?

Good EMS providers should still be able to offer you a solution, even if they decline to bid for your work, often by giving you the name of other companies they believe may be able to help.

Finding the right EMS provider takes time and with over 240 UK suppliers to choose from the process can be daunting at times. Thankfully there are a number of resources available to help guide you through the process.

As guidance, here are a few points to consider when attempting to determine whether you may be a good fit, or “right sized” to garner the type of attention you desire and will come to expect from your contract manufacturer.

A good place to start is by determining whether you will be a “relevant customer,” and whether your proposed spend is going to be an important piece of their revenue. Every supplier’s threshold will be different, but being at least 10 percent of their revenues would be a good place to start. In short, part of finding the right sized contract manufacturer for your company is making sure you're the right sized client for them.


Written by Jessica Plank

Based in Switzerland, Jessica holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and has day-to-day responsibility for strategic marketing tactics including blog management, social media marketing, e-mail marketing, and European event management. Jessica’s dedication to maintaining a strong online presence has significantly contributed to the success of ESCATEC's marketing initiatives since she joined the team in 2021.