03 Jul, 2017 / BY Jessica Plank

Does your supply chain need an Industry 4.0 health check?

JJS Manufacturing InsightsThe list of things that industry 4.0 will have an effect on has been ever growing since the term was first coined. But something that may have originally been overshadowed is its effect on your supply chain.

In this recent article by The Manufacturer, they look at the potential negative side effects Industry 4.0 could have on UK manufacturing supply chains. One of the main issues they raise relates to supplier transparency and equality which they suggest could be combated through SMEs investing in long-term growth rather than short-term survival.

For more details click the link below.

Are UK supply chains, in their current state of health, capable of supporting Industry 4.0? The latest edition of YouGov’s Supply Chain Funding index (SCFi) suggests not – in only six months the index has fallen from 6.6 to 6.2 out of 10.

What this tells us is there is an almost 40% chance of failure. How can a smart factory, needing to know where it stands with every supplier in the chain, operate with these odds?


Written by Jessica Plank

Based in Switzerland, Jessica holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and has day-to-day responsibility for strategic marketing tactics including blog management, social media marketing, e-mail marketing, and European event management. Jessica’s dedication to maintaining a strong online presence has significantly contributed to the success of ESCATEC's marketing initiatives since she joined the team in 2021.