
Engaging entrepreneurs in the manufacturing industry

JJS Manufacturing InsightsIn this interesting article by Trevor Hardy in People Management this week, we are reminded of the benefits of offering a robust Graduate Scheme, especially within the manufacturing arena.

To gain a leading edge in this competitive market we need to think differently about our future employees and the difference we need to see in our organisations to remain the best at what we do.

Are we capturing what this generation has to offer and tapping into their different way of thinking? Letting them be free with their ideas and giving them the responsibility to make changes to some of our archaic processes and procedures.

I would be interested to hear how other businesses are adapting their culture to engage with and make the most of these new entrepreneurs. Is it too early yet to see the benefits or are you seeing a slow progress towards a different future on the horizon?

Whatever your current thoughts this is an exciting era, the opportunity to get fresh ideas into the business and let them share the lead in shaping the future of manufacturing.

As the job market becomes more and more competitive, with hundreds of candidates all going for one role, we are seeing a change in the way that people begin their working lives. The younger working generation of today have entrepreneurial aspirations that are bringing new motivations and values to the workplace, and inevitably making for very different business and career trajectories. These are entrepreneurs who are both starting their own ventures as well as being entrepreneurial within large organisations. Long gone is the stereotype of the lazy ‘straight out of university’ employee – this new entrepreneurial class is here to make a difference and shake up the conventional definitions of employment and the workplace.


Written by Jessica Plank

Based in Switzerland, Jessica holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and has day-to-day responsibility for strategic marketing tactics including blog management, social media marketing, e-mail marketing, and European event management. Jessica’s dedication to maintaining a strong online presence has significantly contributed to the success of ESCATEC's marketing initiatives since she joined the team in 2021.