
Is your business IoT ready?

JJS Manufacturing InsightsClearly, the Internet of Things (IoT) is set to have a massive impact on all our lives in the near future.

More specifically our working lives are even more likely to suffer a paradigm shift in the next few years, whether this is for the better we will find out soon.

This CBR online article clearly articulates the opportunity, but also the dangers. It is interesting to observe the statistics by HPE Aruba show that 70% of HR employees and 78% of finance employees surveyed had no knowledge of their companies IoT strategy. Do yours?

If these technologies are to be successfully deployed it is imperative that all staff are fully informed, engaged and suitably trained.

In its ‘Internet of Things: Today and Tomorrow’ report, HPE Aruba found 57% of companies have adopted IoT technologies, with that number set to increase to a huge 85% by 2019.

Not only is adoption set to sky-rocket, but it is also going to add to a company’s bottom line. 72% believed that their company is now more profitable after adopting IoT technologies, with a further 73% saying that they had achieved cost savings.


Written by Chris Johnson

Chris is a business consultant with an extensive career spanning over 30 years. During this time Chris has set up, led, and acquired highly successful component distribution and EMS companies including Paragon Electronics and JJS Manufacturing. A committed 'petrol head' with a passion for speed, Chris raced for over 20 years in a variety of motor racing classes including Formula Ford, Caterham’s and historic sports cars. Today whilst still enjoying the occasional track day Chris spends his spare time playing golf, sailing, mountain biking and supporting Junior Rugby. Chris is a qualified RYA dinghy instructor, Rugby Coach, referee and former School Governor.