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Supply chain management: Why over-forecasting is a bad idea

A successful outsourcing partnership is built on trust and communication. As an ...

8 details an EMS company needs to quote (& 3 they can’t do without)

Before an EMS provider can respond to a request for a quote (no matter how ...

Can localisation shield UK electronics manufacturers from Brexit risk?

As the ink dries on the UK’s trade deal post-Brexit, many UK electronics ...

Fast, cheap or good? Feeling trapped by the iron triangle?

Do you want it fast, cheap or good? It’s a question we’ve all been asked at one ...

How long should your EMS provider take to prepare a quote?

Have you noticed some EMS providers take longer than others to come back to you ...

You've chosen your EMS provider, now what?

Embarking on an outsourcing venture is an exciting time for any original ...

When is the right time to speak to prospective EMS providers?

If you’re an original electronics manufacturer (OEM) considering outsourcing ...

Can UK electronics manufacturers avert the global container crisis?

For the many UK electronics manufacturers who import goods from the Far East, ...

Is postponement manufacturing the best option in a post-Covid world?

Is focusing on postponement manufacturing still a good strategy in an ...

The latest supply chain challenges to hit Electronics Manufacturing in 2020

Higher import costs and surcharges are just some of the headaches OEMs are ...

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